Top 3 things to know before you are Accused of Battery

Have you been accused of hitting someone?
A while back, we did a video about what you should know about Wyoming self-defense law. We also touched on the Second Amendment as it relates to defending against a home invader. I put a link to that video in the description if you'd like to revisit it. But it's a different situation if you're the one being accused of hitting someone in a public place. So today I thought I'd count down the top three things your defense attorney wishes you knew. If you're accused of a battery.
Fewest Injuries, you're probably the one getting charged
Number three, if you're bigger or if you have the fewest injuries, you're probably the one that's going to get the criminal charge. That's right. Even if you are not the one that started the fight, but if you were defending yourself or even if you were defending someone else, you can definitely raise this defense and be found not guilty. So well means if someone needs your help, you should definitely help them.
You're always being recorded
Number two, if you're fighting in public, you're probably being recorded by security cameras or by other people. We all know in confrontations, tempers flare. People say things that make them look bad. These types of situations are unpredictable, to say the least. But you'll always look better to the judge or the jury if you're attempting to end the argument and walk away from the situation.
Don't ever talk to the police
And tip number one, don't talk to the police. You will always say something that can be used to convict you. Even if you're innocent because of self-defense or you don't think you'll say anything incriminating, which is almost impossible. Any small part of your statement can be twisted and will be used to charge you and possibly convict you. Or if you make a statement and leave out some details, the police will accuse you of lying. Luckily, most of the time interviews are recorded, but then you're forced to go to trial to explain yourself so the whole truth can come out. It's a tricky situation, but you can't win by arguing your side to the police. So don't do it, period. Don't talk to the police. If you're facing a criminal charge, call our office for a consultation. Keep in mind you only get one shot at justice. So make yours count. And remember, don't ever talk to the police before you get a chance to talk to a lawyer.